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Cat Litter Box for Catching and Returning Tracked Litter

[Category : - PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 2675 times]

Cat litter box with attachment that prevents a cat from tracking litter outside the litter box, so that cleanup is reduced and sanitation is enhanced. As the cat exits the litter box, litter adhering to the cat's paws is safely removed by the attachment and returned to the litter box. No moving parts. Cat litter box can be sold to pet owners with the attachment already integrally formed with the litter box. Alternatively, the attachment can be sold to consumers as a separate component that can be connected to any existing front entry litter box.

Financial information

A U.S. patent application has been filed. The inventor will sell or license all rights in the patent application and all patents issuing from the patent application. The license can be an exclusive license or a nonexclusive license. Sale price for an outright sale or royalty rate of a license to be negotiated. It has been estimated that the current total U.S. market for self-cleaning cat litter boxes is $11 billion dollars and is expected to grow approximately 20% annually. This new and innovative invention can capture a significant share of that market.

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