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The holy grail of energy production

[Viewed 2817 times]

ZEUS technology is similar to the concept behind hydroelectric stations, but overcomes many of hydro’s limitations. It needs no dam or running water, it is cheap and quick to build – A 1GWh system world cost less than $20 million and need less than 3 months to manufacture and install (excluding the price of generators and turbines). Each ZEUS Module is a closed system that operates independently. Thus, once the device is initially filled with water, no additional water is needed.
In the heart of the ZEUS system is a water pump, which is capable of pumping vast amount of water (up to 300m3 per second) to the heights of 1000 meters or more, without using any external source of power. Connected to generator or turbine it can produce electricity at a price comparable to a hydroelectric station (less then 1 cent per 1 kWh). The system doesn’t need running water to operate. What makes ZEUS so superior to all other existing electricity generation system is that it has all the benefit of the clean and renewable energy but none of disadvantage and downsides which are normally associated with other renewables like wind, solar or hydro. It is far more efficient than any other fossil fuel driven electricity generation system.
The ZEUS hydro system can be made in various sizes to generate anything from 15kWh to 3GWh of energy.
Presently, due to patent pending I cannot reveal the principles of how the pump operates. Despite the fact that the pump creates far more energy than it actually consumes, it is not breaking any rules of physics. As such, I have made a small prototype of the pump, which has worked perfectly.

How much revenue can ZEUS generate?
Profit potential of this invention is staggering. Just by licencing ZEUS system to Japan and Chine for use in pump up storage hydroelectric stations will generate $30 billion in revenue just in the first year. That figure will rise to $300 billion per year in the next 10 years as more and more countries switching to ZEUS. This figure is based on calculation of 1 cent per kWh for the licence fee.

Proving the Validity of my claims ?
If you are a serious investor, a government or big power corporation, in order to prove validity of my claims, I am inviting one of your respected and trusted experts to review this technology and verify its potential. I would make a demonstration of how the ZEUS system works, so to give you the chance to validate my claims. The demonstration process should not take up more than two hours.
So, I would reveal you the secret of my invention if you provide me with sufficient guarantee that my invention won’t be stolen, modified in any way, sold to the third party or exposed to the public before being patented.

Financial information

I am looking for 1cent for every 1 kWh of the energy produced by ZEUS.
$10 000 0000 per 1Gwh capacity station

I predict that as from 2014 the ZEUS will be the only method of electricity generation. There will be no more wind farms, tidal, sound or silence or any other similar expensive renewable projects, they all will be obsolete. There will not be a single coal, nuclear or gas power plant made and the old one will be dismantled within 5 years. So if you are planning to invest, and to save the planet and in process become seriously rich, get on board!

So what is the market potential for ZEUS? Within 5 years total production capacity of electricity generated by ZEUS in the world will be minimum 1000GWh, Well, If I get only 1 cent of every kWh generated, I will be making profit of $87 600 000 000 per year. and I think this is very conservative prediction.

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